Thursday 20 March 2008

Animation principles

Squash and stretch - very few objects stop dead and remain in their exact form, they distor (squash and stretch). the best example of this if a bouncing ball, as it hits the ground it compresses and expands again when bounching back up. this can be applied in my animation by showing eds muscles changing form as his body will be exposed, when he is strugling to open a door or pick something up it will be visible in his arms that his muscles are trying. Also during flash backs this technique may be used to exagerate the actions of the soldiers.

Ease Out - this technique is subtle and people just watchin wont really notice it if its their but will notice when its not. the easiest example of this is if a girl was runing and stopt it would take time for her skirt to stop, first it would sway forward past her then come back to rest.

Anticipation - this would be when you show a character anicipating an event, such as being hit by a ball, the character would raise their hands to protect their face. this could be use din my animation during war scenes or battles if a character was going to be hit they would protect themselves and brace for the impact.

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