Monday 10 March 2008

plot twist

i feel the plot just now is far to thin and most people wont see the loneliness of Ed that I am trying to portray so i am adding a twist, through out the story their will be small things that don't quite make sense such as strange looking plants, the sky will constantly have a red tinge to it and unusual flying creatures. In one of the shots a shuttle will be seen in the background outside the window, it will not have any attention drawn to it but be their simple to reward those paying attention and help suggest what the twist may be.

at the end Ed will approach a large statue that will look alien in nature. then the camera will pan out showing a mass graveyard, resembling the wartime ones seeing for soldiers of WW2. An event will then happen to reveal that it is not earth that the story has taken place and that Ed is on his own planet that we have invaded and made our own.

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