Wednesday 12 March 2008

The story so far

The camera opens on a high angle shot of Ed.
He is sitting on the edge of a bed, the mattress is bare and we can see the walls are damp with the paper falling off. Sunlight struggles through a dirty window causing the front of Ed to be concealed in shadow.

The camera cuts to a full body shot of ED, he
slowly lifts his arm and rubs the scalp of his bald head. Behind Ed a picture can be seen, it is handing by one corner but we can make out that there is a photo of two beings resembling Ed in it. through the window a shuttle subtly flies by in the distance.

Ed fumble around on the Floor and pics up a Clock. A shoulder shot shows the time, it is the afternoon. the house is silent and the tick, tock of the clock stands out.

The camera pans down and settles under Eds bed. Ed drops the clock on the floor, it lands with a thud and the ticking noise stops suddenly. Ed stands up and walks towards the fridge, after several seconds of trying Ed manages to open the fridge door.

A CU shot from inside the fridge shows Ed handling everything in the fridge, eventually he lifts out a large carton that appears to be milk, it is almost empty.
Ed removes the carton and closes the door, the light stays on and we hear footsteps the the opening and closing of an old door, the light then flickers off.

A high angle wide shot shows Ed leaving his house, the house looks old and dilapidated with what appears to be a burnt out car sitting in the garden, he places the now empty carton on the overflowing bin and walks along the pavement and out of shot.

The carton falls off the in, a gust of wind rustles the tree and the carton rolls onto the ground and is then blown up into the air, the camera pans and follows the carton then pans back down to reveal Ed walking into a shop.

As Ed enters the shop the camera cuts to a medium shot from behind the counter, a security monitor can be seen bellow the counter, the shop assistant presses a button and the image changes to Ed, as Ed walks out of frame the Assistant pushes the Button again and the monitor view changes to another angle showing Ed in the shop

the rest in short as its not been fully fleshed out yet.

Ed leaves the shop drinking the liquid as he goes, he walks down a few blocks and straight into the camera causing the screen to be black for a moment, it then reveals that ed is standing in front of a large statue, the camera pans out to show that it is a memorial graveyard resembling those for fallen soldiers . The camera cuts back to Ed and follows him as he looks up into the sky, an eclipse is taking place. as it passes the is visible that it is not the moon causing the sun to be obscured but it is earth.

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